Elmar's in the Valley
Breweries and Microbreweries
This micro-glass brewery in Swan Valley boasts being the largest in all of the Southern Hemisphere as well as an array of award-winning beers. German in theme, the micro glass brewery and restaurant is owned by Elmar and Anette Dieren. Hailing from Germany, they moved down under in 1987 and brought with them a keen sense of Germanic expertise, experience, equipment and enthusiasm and opened their third branch in Swan Valley in 2004.
With a firm accordance to Germany’s Purity Law of only using yeast, barley, water and hops in the recipes, Elmar’s beers are of a superior quality. Devoid of any preservatives and chemicals, the beers you will find here are pure in nature with many of the ingredients imported directly from Germany and filtered to keep natural proteins, yeast and Vitamin B.
The purity that can be found in the fine beers at Elmar’s in the Valley is also due to the unique attribute of a giant glass kettle. Not only does the kettle ensure clarity, it also enriches the flavours of the beer, guaranteeing these are supreme products.
Opening Times:
Wednesday: 10am to 5pm
Thursday - Sunday: 10am to 10pm